Their First Return

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Their First Return

Post by Aruon »

***Note, this is actually to further develop the story of my character. There won't be as much action as in my last story, but I will be continuing that one as well. I hope you enjoy both of them***

The two companions made their way casually as the carriage rolled towards Tar Valon. The vast plains they were riding beside now were known by 'some' as the Endless NoHunting Grounds. It was on those very Grounds that Aruon watched through the thin glass, having two conversations at once.

"Did you hear me, Aruon?" Her voice chimed with the patience that he knew was a guise.


He knew she'd feel it from the bond. Almost as a counter, he could tell:


He turned to look at the woman he would protect with his very life. Arleve wore an empty expression as she wanted to ask her question.

"I'm sorry Arleve, there's just more to the empty plains that it seems."

"Do tell, my Gaidin." Her voice was patience, calm.


She looked him in the eyes, meeting them levelly. It was in that moment she understood what was out there, and he would say no more unless ordered.

"We'll reach Tar Valon within the afternoon now. Please relax. You've been on edge this entire trip."

"I relax when you're safely back in the Tower." He gave a worn grin. His body was exhausted from traveling without stopping. They'd agreed to take a coach once the outing was actually over.

He closed his eyes for a moment, and asked what he'd been worried about for the past day. "I was asked to meet with Denae Sedai before we left. Hurel Gaidin wants me to have a reply when we get back."

Curiosity came through the bond, as well as concern. "Does someone have their eye on my Gaidin already?" She was good at this.

"'s a personal matter. Will you attend the meeting with me?"

"I suppose...but what is this about?"

"You'll see, I just hope I am in one piece when it's over." He tried to give a laugh, but the bond gave away his anxiety.

The two remained silent the rest of the way to the city, and Aruon knew something was about to happen. Something that his sword skills could do nothing to save him from.

It began to rain a little, causing his hair to lay flat as he exited the coach, turning to help Arleve out.

The rain picked up the closer they got to the White Tower steps.....
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