Out Of Character (OOC) Policies
* Any attempt to intentionally compromise the security or stability of the game, will result in a site ban, and loss of any and all privileges on this game.
* Multiplaying is not allowed. Should you ignore this fact, the characters that multiplay shall be deleted.
ABADDON EDIT: Of course however, this does not apply to partners/room mates/etc playing from the same IP, or Immortals (see Immortals section for details).
If there are more than one of you playing from the same IP, please let an Immortal know - we keep track of it on a list so somebody doesn't nuke you by accident for multiplaying.
* When switching from one character to another, you must wait fifteen (15) minutes.
ABADDON EDIT: This also does not apply to Immortals (see Immortals section for details).
* You may only have one account on Mirrors, if you have more than one account, all accounts and characters contained therein will be deleted.
ABADDON EDIT: Sometimes people return after a long period and don't remember their account details. Sometimes people forget the day after....
In either case, you can make up a secondary account to play on until you can bring up the matter with a senior Imm. At that point characters will all be transferred to a single account.
* Character or account trading is not allowed. Anyone caught trading characters will have their account deleted.
ABADDON EDIT: I catch you doing it, it will be deleted and banned.
* You are allowed to have and play a total of 24 characters. This will offer you a balance between RP and playability.
ABADDON EDIT: This is no longer the case. As far as Niila and I are concerned, you can have a thousand. However - you may only one (1) Fade, and one (1) Dreadlord on your character list. If you tire of that one, you have to delete it to begin another.
Nobody can play a Fade without speaking to either Niila or myself beforehand.
* Harassment of any sort will not be tolerated. OOC harassment, sexual harassment, pet hamster harassment, none of it. Violations will result in
freezing of offending character for a week (first offense), for a month (second offense), and then forever (third offense).
* Character seperation is required. Just because one of your characters knows something, does not mean all of your characters knows it.
* You are not allowed to run scripts/triggers/timers on your characters for the purpose of running down show times for special characters, to gain learning in your skills or gaining timed cps while not actually on your
computer. Caught doing so will result in characters reset and zapped to 1.
ABADDON EDIT: For the sake of clarity - running triggers on raising skills will be allowed IF YOU ARE AT THE KEYBOARD while doing it. This is to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome with raising some skills! You must be able to respond to an Immortal if they are checking up on if you're actually there or not.
In Character (IC) Policies
First, foremost, never to be ignored or forgotten, In Character Actions result in In Character Consequences.
* Character descriptions, titles and pretitles, must be thematic, and IC.
If they are not, the ability to alter these parts of your character will be taken away.
[b* ]All channeling is In Character.[/b] All emotes and socials are In Character.
You will suffer the consequences for them.
* Mortal death can be spoken of regardless of the outcome. If the person was "killed", they were badly injured, and on the brink of death, but were saved.
Standard Policy
Standard Policy
"How the fades must gnash their teeth......."
Demandred of the Forsaken.
Demandred of the Forsaken.
Re: Standard Policy
Just a friendly reminder from above:
* You are not allowed to run scripts/triggers/timers on your characters for the purpose of running down show times for special characters, to gain learning in your skills or gaining timed cps while not actually on your
computer. Caught doing so will result in characters reset and zapped to 1.
ABADDON EDIT: For the sake of clarity - running triggers on raising skills will be allowed IF YOU ARE AT THE KEYBOARD while doing it. This is to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome with raising some skills! You must be able to respond to an Immortal if they are checking up on if you're actually there or not.
* You are not allowed to run scripts/triggers/timers on your characters for the purpose of running down show times for special characters, to gain learning in your skills or gaining timed cps while not actually on your
computer. Caught doing so will result in characters reset and zapped to 1.
ABADDON EDIT: For the sake of clarity - running triggers on raising skills will be allowed IF YOU ARE AT THE KEYBOARD while doing it. This is to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome with raising some skills! You must be able to respond to an Immortal if they are checking up on if you're actually there or not.
"How the fades must gnash their teeth......."
Demandred of the Forsaken.
Demandred of the Forsaken.
Re: Standard Policy
Niila and I kind of thought this was understood a little better, but character separation includes the following:Ganelon wrote:* Character separation is required. Just because one of your characters knows something, does not mean all of your characters knows it.
* If you re-roll a character because you don't like the outcome (for whatever reason), it is expected you start entirely from scratch - no transferring of equipment.
At the extreme, drop previous gear in a charity chest and run the risk someone might take stuff from it before you arrive their on the new character - and any re-roll is considered a new character, regardless of having the same name or not.
* Killing things on one alt, and transferring the gains to another alt in order to gain CP's, cash, or any other benefit for the second alt is strictly forbidden.
You had better believe we're monitoring this.
"How the fades must gnash their teeth......."
Demandred of the Forsaken.
Demandred of the Forsaken.