Upcoming code changes

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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Niila »

2022-01-02 Christmas Tidings!
- Christmas Gifts have been codified:
* You can find them in character menu, for each character
* You'll be eligible for a gift if
o You're MAX level (51, 54, 57 or 60 respectively, depending on your own max level)
o Or you're your current max level, MIN level of 40 (so if you're 40 and never been past that.. it's enough)
o You haven't already taken a gift
* Channelers have different menu than everyone else, with their own selections. Everyone else, has the same options
* NOTE: Fades shouldn't pick a talent. You won't get any of the choices. Take levels. You already get a talent
* NOTE: Trollocs shouldn't try to pick blademaster talents. You'll just get to level 1 and gain nothing. Don't do it.
* NOTE: Aiel can't be wolfkin. Don't pick that choice, people, if you're Aiel!
* NOTE: You can't take channeler talent if you've bladeforms above circle 5. You've been warned.
* NOTE: Picking a talent if you already HAVE a talent will override your current talent. BE CAREFUL! NO REFUNDS!
* NOTE: If you're dreaming of the Oracle talent, the only way to get that is the random talent choice.
* NOTE: If you get no talent if you do random_talent choice, you get extraordinary luck as compensation.
* DISCLAIMER: Your max_hp isn't going to be tracked at this time, so if you want to preserve your hps, it's
probably best you don't take a gift at this time

- New talents:
* Master talent, allows you to master skills with the 'master' command, if you have trained the skill a little
* Weaponsmaster, trained weapons no longer take practices, you've slightly better accuracy and damage with all weapons
* Formmaster prodigy, you can learn forms without a master up to circle 5 on your own, choosable from the 5 paths.
* Duality of mind, allow to switch form philosophy between creative and emotionless on the fly
* Multipath, allow to have two different forms paths trained and switch between them at will
* NOTE: You can use the talentupdate command to try to roll for one of these on old characters
* NOTE: New characters roll for these talents upon reaching level 15 if they did not get any other talent
* NOTE: You can also roll Sniffer, but the code for that is still being worked on

- Fades automaticly get duality of mind talent

Also huge shout out to Keruk for prodigy messages. It's all his handiwork!
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Niila »


- Clans with NOCOUNT flag will show ?? in the clan list instead of the number
of members.


- Commands and weaves that worked on a radius will no longer lag the mud.
These include: sense, weave, where, and yell, and weaves such as birdcall.
If you notice any difference in behavior with these commands let us know.
- Dust and create fog will now use similar radius producing effects.
- Puddles created by the weave 'create water' will now disappear after a bit.
- Ram of air will not crash the mud if the door it opens doesn't have a name
on the other side.
- Teach and learn have been revised considerably. If you channel saidin
and try to teach someone who channels saidar, or vice versa, you will not
succeed. Cross race teaching is also disabled.


- Fixed an issue where blademaster prodigy talent was unable to pick emotionless as philosophy


- Tells sent to idle immortals will now let you know if they've been idle for more than 30 minutes.


- If you end your prompt with a single % it will not crash us anymore.


- SOME mobiles (not all) will act more frequently than in the past.
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Niila »


- Bladeform paths have received changes:
* Way of the Wind now has reduced cost on movement points
* Path of Water helps you avoid forms better, in addition to helping counter them
* Mo'kai'la has higher chance of success in excuting forms
* Ravage now executes faster
* Ravage no longer hits everyone, but is classified the same as other MULTI OPPONENT paths

Other paths retain their previous mechanics.

- Bladeform maximum trainable percentage has been changed
* Now you can get to 85 + circle*2 until circle 5
* After circle 5, you'll gain +1 to your forms max
= So for circle 5, you'll have max of 95
= If you had circle 8 for example, you'd have 85+10+3 = 98.

This change was made as many felt like forms chance of success was too low and prodigy was considered to be 'too much better than the rest'. Now everyone gets it semi high, so the gap between prodigy and non-prodigy is much less.
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Maxim »


A few changes have snuck in over the past few weeks. They are:
- Mobs that hunt you will now reveal you in one round if you are hidden, and then attack in the next round, instead of performing both actions in one
- Wolfbrothers sensing ability should now perform a little faster and more accurately report graymen.
- Ram of Air in a room with an exit that leads nowhere should no longer cause a crash.
- Call lightning now displays a message even if nothing is struck.
- The map command now expands as your survival skill increases. Also it should look a little more 'normal' for a map.
- Mobiles will now attack anyone with the opposing faction that they hate. NPCs included.


- Flee-lag has been removed
- Fleeing now costs +1 extra moves (+2 if you were sitting) instead of +4 (+5 for sitting)


- Giving items to followers, quitting, and logging back in, will no longer duplicate the items.
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Maxim »


- Travel will no longer refresh your mana as it completes.
- Channeling too many weaves and killing the target of your weaves will no longer crash us.


- Corpses will now load properly again across reboots, without causing us to stay offline.


- Prompt by itself will now show you your current prompt. Use prompt reset to reset it.


- Travel will no longer allow you to depart from no-travel rooms or zones even if you stay in the room long enough.


- Quitting with followers with multiple pieces of inventory will no longer crash us.


- Fixed an error with mobiles that wouldn't move if they couldn't see and couldn't turn on a light.
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Maxim »


- Draghkar singing attacks have been slowed down and saving against the fear has changed.


- Ram of Air will not crash the mud if used on a direction that you cannot go.


- All types of NPC channelers will once again weave properly.


- Adjusted all affects (Bash, sneak, forkroot, etc) so that they all last a multiple of 6 seconds. Some affects can still be cleared by getting hit. For example, bash will last at most 6 seconds or until the character is hit again.
- When the bash or stunned condition wears off, it will generate a message to the observers (room + victim).
- Mobiles that are in positions less than SLEEPING will take no actions.
- Your factions will be updated when mobiles that remember you have been killed. This code is now restored from its previously disabled state.
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Maxim »


- Mobiles should no longer be set fighting you without also being in the fighting position.
- Kick head will last a little longer than previously.


- The quest for the golden falcon medallion has been made repeatable and its defensive bonuses have been removed.
- weave 'ward object' will work again.
- NPCs that hit you when they're already fighting but you're not, should now set you fighting appropriately.
- Refresh will now kill people again if overused.
- Fixed another crash bug with travel.
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Maxim »


- NEW AREA OPEN: The road to Fal Moran, from Daghain outside of Tar Valon, to just short of Fal Moran is open.
- Characters shooting from watch towers will not suffer the 20 points of accuracy loss if their target is in another room.
- Lights - should no longer be funky.


- Pets will now retain their name when they are loaded back into the game.
- Mobiles with something other than a trap worn on both hands will fight back.
- Mobiles with a weapon in inventory will now draw that weapon.
- The message that announces night time now happens after the sun sets, instead of in the last hour of light.


- LIGHTS - are now the maximum of the light source in the room, not added together anymore. For example, if you have a torch and a bonfire, the light value in the room will be that of the bonfire.
- WEATHER - now works, though it's mostly cosmetic. Additional changes will be added as we see weather stay sane.
- Warded entries will now show you the weave they're warded with, if you know it and the channeler used the same half of the one power.
- Fixed a crash if you tried to un-load a bow by firing it at the ground.
- Adjusted combat so that wearing something on both hands only prevents you from hitting if that item is a trap.
- Mobiles will now move to the front position when fighting without a weapon.
- Mobiles will now draw weapons from inventory even if they don't have a sheath.
- Pets with names that are following you will now have their name saved when you leave and return to the game.
- Trace is now a utility weave only, it will not set noquit on players.
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Niila »


- Players can now switch between characters without delay. Don't abuse it.
- Hidden characters that you can see are now listed in the room with (Hidden) before their long-description.
- NPC channelers bound by the three oaths will now attempt to avoid AoE'ing innocents.
- NPCs should be slower in their attempts to move to the appropriate position.
- NPCs that are in a position other than standing or flying will not take action based on their memory.
- NPCs will pause about a second before considering a victim to attack as part of factions, hunting, or memory.
- NPCs that are flagged wimpy (that flee) will no longer hunt to their targets if they will immediately flee, unless they're also aggressive mobs.
- NCPs that flee will have a momentary pause before they can take another action.
- Weather seasons should now be consistent across all commands/weather.


- Kick head might now actually stop weaves from progressing.
- Kick ribs can now be done with kick ribs.
- Spearforms up to circle 10 have been described and can be used, functionality still in the works for most of them
- Weaponmasters can now get long and medium blades up to 99 without training.. maybe.
- New combo for bladeforms, which is combination of two old form comboes of early circles
- Combo max damage multiplier is now capped at 2.5x.


Some of these changes were added "live" over the past few days.
- burnt-out campfires will now be re-used when re-establishing a camp.
- Random victims when you mischannel a weave will never cause a crash again.
- Mobiles will hesitate before attacking when moving, or when people enter their rooms, UNLESS THEY HAVE A SCRIPT THAT FORCES IT!
- Travelers with the skill at 70% or higher will now be told when they can reliably travel from the room.
- Equipping lights will not snuff them.
- Objects should always start off listed in green in room contents.
- Miedit (to customize your objects) needs to be granted permission by an imm.
- Riding gives weapons different optimal ranges.
- Spearforms should all have a functionality now?
- Critical chance when you can critically hit has been increased for most users


- Shopkeepers won't produce as much lag anymore.
- Chessboards should work again.
- Hidden mobiles that move will lose their hidden flag while moving, but will only move if they are able to sneak successfully.
- New bladeform combination (two existing can now combo)
- Bladeform effects now last for 180 seconds, instead of 60.
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Re: Upcoming code changes

Post by Niila »


- HIDE and SNEAK have been combined into one skill, STEALTH. This will be
combined automatically for existing characters.
- The hide command will still hide you in a room
- The sneak command will still make you move silently through rooms
- Both affects will be countered by awareness, but the observers will only
get one chance every 30s to break your stealth. Once broken, you will be
seen for the entire 30s.
- The reveal command, if successful, or you can see your victim, will reveal
the victim to all observers in the room for 30s.
- Hunting mobiles will use the same reveal mechanic against you, which means
if they fail they will not see you for 30s.
- Hide and sneak values are now shown on the output of the status command.
- Greet triggers (but not greet-memory or greet-all) should only fire if the
mob has succeeded against your sneaking into the room.
- Mobiles that are trying to decide who to attack should take into account
your hide status and whether or not they can/have seen you.
- If you are hit while stunned (bashed) you will now revert back to standing
or fighting.
- Weaving 'counter' will now show the appropriate person's name for the weave
that you are countering.


- If you execute bladeforms in combat and your skill isn't maxed out with that particular form, it'll now always raise if you had a opponent you were striking. This is to encourage you to use forms in combat even if they're not maxed out.
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