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Channeling System Alterations

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 6:03 pm
by Niila
Hi everyone!

Like all things in the MUD, channeling system is one that is constantly going over a revision of some type or another. For a long time it's been under discussion that the channeling needs to be altered in order to bring things in line with everything else. There's been quite a lot of different kind of suggestions how to reach these goals, and I'd like to outlay some of the changes for people to see before there are any sudden shifts in how things work.

I'll start off with a 'concern' and then suggest 'potential solutions offered' to the concern in order to give reasoning of what is under consideration of changing and what the potential implications on how it could be fixed are offered.

Concern 1: Channelers kill players too fast. There's very little to do but die for majority of the players when they enter PvP with another with weaves.

This is one of the biggest issues that the MUD has in terms of most people when it comes to the topic of channeling and fighting with others. While the damage potential is fine against mobs (well, most of the time in any case I believe), players have much less health than mobs do after a certain point.

Solution 1a: Reduce the number of weaves possible to be able to be done simultaneously by players to 3 or even less, depending on their elements from the current 6 being the maximal amount of weaves being able to do be done at once.

This solution would indeed reduce the amount of damage dealt channelers to approximately to half in most cases. But it leaves the issue that mobs would take twice as long to kill in essence.

Solution 1b: Reduce the amount of damage players take from other player weaves by half/one third/one quarter.

This solution would keep the amount of damage the same to mobs, but it would drastically reduce the damage that players would take from weaves by other players. This would only affect PvP situations and nothing else.

Solution 1c: Adjust damage of weaves to be reduced while increasing the regeneration rate of 'sp', thus allowing players to be able to deal the same amount of damage as they do now but in a much, much longer run instead of being nearly instantaneous.

This solution would mean that while channelers could in theory channel more, they'd deal 'less' in a short amount of time equally to everyone. This would include mobs not dying as fast, but the amount they could channel would certainly increase by quite a bit.

Concern 2: Players are able to kill mobs fast with very little risk to themselves through the use of 'walk into a room with weaves prepared' in advance.

This tactic is widely practiced by almost all the channelers who do fighting at all. It's the most efficient way of fighting against large parties or tough mobs that hit hard, because you don't need to be able to spend as much time in the room with the target as you'd otherwise have to do.

Solution 2a: Remove the ability to 'set up' weaves before you walk into another room.

Doing this solution would mean that you could only channel in the room you are in, if you by one reason or another change room, your weaves get interrupted, thus making you lose 'sp'.

Solution 2b: Reduce the number of weaves allowed to be 'carried' to another room to smaller number (such as 1).

This solution would still give some of the benefits of the current state of affairs, but it would reduce the efficiency by quite a lot, thus making it harder to use this tactic to 'beat' things.

Solution 2c: Do nothing. Keep it as it is as a feature of the MUD.

Not much I can say about this solution. Some people might say it's not that much of a issue.

Concern 3: Status weaves are too powerful against players.

Solution 3a: Make status weaves not work on players.

Almost self-explanatory for people who have faced or used these weaves, but for those who haven't, it's possible to completely disable your opposition with weaves such as Vertigo (your moving around may get messed up), Cause Drunkeness (when you're drunk enough, you won't be able to embrace/seize anymore) and Poison (cuts your regeneration quite down, disallowing you to make any escape) and Fatigue (drain away moves rapidly, leaving you with very little ability to move or perform anything).

This would make a lot of the status weaves useless, as they only work on players. Such weaves include Vertigo, Cause Drunkeness..

Solution 3b: Reduce the time that status effects work and make them even fail on a occasion.

This would make status effects less efficient as they are right now, but it would allow them to have a chance of not succeeding sometimes.

Solution 3c: Change the behavioral of status weaves to be something else than they are currently to make them less crippling.

This is a possibility that would allow complete re-visioning of the purpose of the status effect weaves to the very core.

These are the three main concerns about the channeling system as it stands at this moment. There are more issues and if any of you can recall a pressing issue with the system, please, do make a post here and pose the concern so that we may look at it and what we can do about it.

We can discuss about the benefits and drawbacks of the solutions or if any is even required, but let's keep the conversation polite at least. The suggestions offered are in no way the only possible solutions, merely some ways of dealing with the issue offhand. Nothing will change without some conversation beforehand. :)

Awaiting conversation on the topic,

Re: Channeling System Alterations

Posted: Wed May 22, 2013 4:08 pm
by Niila
I'd like to put a bit of update here.

After talking with some channeling types, I've gone to a conclusion that we could try halved damage to players from weaves. This will have very little to no impact on how things work right now against mobs, but players should be able to blink before dying now.

I'd like to have some feedback on how these changes feel from you, the players. If you want to go for a testing match in the arena or similar, please let me know so I can arrange it for you. :)

Awaiting for feedback,

P.S. This includes damage taken from mob weaving.