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Niila's Personal Announcements

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:46 am
by Niila
Hi everyone,

This topic is just for keeping track of whether I'm present or not at a time. The newest post always overrides the one before that one. It's mostly for people who are keeping track of whether I'm going to provide replies or not at a given time.

I know we probably ought to have a general immortal tracking thread somewhere that keeps track of who is present and who isn't, but given the few numbers of immortals we've got, might as well have our own threads at the time being. Someone will eventually combine them into one post, but until that time..

- Niila

Re: Niila's Personal Announcements

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 9:49 am
by Niila
Hi everyone!

As of 6.6.2014, I'll be around for a week (perhaps two) while I'm taking a break from writing my thesis (and visiting funerals and weddings of people). I'll post once I'm back to writing so people know that I'll be unresponsive for a while again.

The reason why I got back around was when I checked my mail and there was some spam from these forums. Well, not spam in traditional sense, more like some questions and private messages which I probably should have read a long while ago but didn't notice them until now.

Without further words, off to work with bug-fixing. And enjoy the summer, everyone!

Re: Niila's Personal Announcements

Posted: Fri Aug 08, 2014 3:40 am
by Niila
The day is 8.8.2014, and I'm leaving to a cabin for the weekend. It might take a few more days than just the weekend. Just a heads up.

Enjoy the summer,

Re: Niila's Personal Announcements

Posted: Wed Aug 20, 2014 9:02 am
by Niila
So, I need to take a bit of time off for a few weeks or so. First, I need to visit south to see if I can get a job, and secondly my other half is having a surgery after I get back from there.

With that being said, I'll try to login when I've a moment, despite the hassle that's going on with my life. If there are any glaring issues that need looked at, send me a PM (or a in-game mail) and I'll look at them when I've a moment.

- Niila

Re: Niila's Personal Announcements

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 5:27 pm
by Niila
Hi everyone!

So life updates are as following; I've nearly finished my master's thesis.. cheers for that. Almost.. but not quite yet. I've also moved to another city far in the south, another cheer for that. I've also managed to get a job for the time being. Which might, or might not be permanent, we shall see.

In bad news, I'm meant to still work in the previous city for a few more weeks and I don't have an apartment. Which means I've to lodge at various friends and keep them entertained instead of having time to do anything else. So I spend most of my time on that, alongside with spending days at work and writing thesis when I get a moment..

Oh, and we didn't have internet for a few weeks at our old nor new apartment. Something went wrong, they had the repairmen fix the thing. So I've been lacking in presence, something which I apologize to everyone, especially Ganelon. My apologies.

All that being said, I should be able to log in more often come weekends, and after 18th day of this month I should be able to log in every day. This means I should be able to fix things, and.. stuff.

In short version, I should be around a lot more. And I apologize for not having been around.

Christmas wishes,

Re: Niila's Personal Announcements

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 9:09 am
by Niila
Merry Christmas, MUD!

It's that time of the year again. I hope merry wishes on my own personal behalf and the staff of the MUD for everyone.

Since it's the time of giving, if anyone has some request they want fulfilled, it might be possible at this time of the year. Unless it's something profane, in which case the answer is still no.

Merry Christmas again!