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Mud Communications

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 6:42 pm
by Itrana
Huthor wrote:Thought this was something that mostly gets overlooked when instructing beginners - different channels, and uses of. Where mud-wide is noted, this doesnt apply cross race. For example, aiel have their own seperate gossips heard and used only by aiel, not wetlanders.

Gossip: syntax - gossip (message)
OOC communications of any type, mud-wide.

Auction: syntax - auction (message)
Buying, selling, and other trade type communications, mud-wide

Grats: syntax - grats (message)
For noting someone's achievements, whatever they might be. OOC and mud-wide

Csay: Each clan and nation and House will have a channel for this. All are IC communications. Only people within the relevant clan/nation/House will be able to see these. Syntax csay xxx (message). XXX here covers the relevant number of the intended channel output intended.


csay 400 will only go to Cairhien Elite members and can only be used by that clan.

csay 225 will only go to House Damodred members - regardless of if they're members of the Cairhien Elite or not.

csay 201 will go to anyone belonging to the Cairhien matter what their House or clan actually is.

As an example - XXX is a member of the Children of the Light...however of Cairhien birth and nationality (nationality being decided on at character creation) - they can hear anything on csay 201.

Csay channels are mud-wide in as much as distance between parties is not a factor in hearing or sending.

Newbie: syntax - newbie (message) OOC channel only used by newbies, imms, and some higher level players who assist in question answering. Mud-wide for those that have access.

Pray: syntax - pray (message) OOC channel. Straight from your mouths to the ears of the immortals....dont use this unless you have to. Immortals are often busy. Exhaust other avenues of aid before using this one. Not seeing an immortal on the who list does not mean none are about, as they are often invisible, so prayer can still be a good last shot if it seems you're the only one about and are in a jam of some sort that only an immort can sort out.

Re: Mud Communications

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 7:56 pm
by Shawnyve
Great tips Huthor, thanks. As an addition certain groups of clans have an overclan. For example all the clans associated with Tar Valon can talk to each other. ie a novice types ocsay 301. It broadcasts
to the overclan which is 300 and all warder students, gaiden, tar valonians, shining guard and tower guard will hear what she says. Again, it is all IC.