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Current Timeline

Posted: Sun Aug 09, 2009 8:49 pm
by Shawnyve
After quite a bit of discussion among the Immortals we have decided to adjust our timeline. Currently we were following the books and setting our time at 20 years before the Aiel war. We have decided to instead vear away from the books and enter a 2nd trolloc wars.

We will of course keep our focus on RP with Pk. Those that want to pk can and those that don't will simply avoid it. We are setting up alarms and such on the cities to notify clans and city channels that there are attackers nearby.

We feel this will promote more activity and RP within the zones we currently have and will be releasing in the fall as well as between clans and people.

We will be implementing a few bases in wetlands for Df's and shadowspawn. One is nearly done while another further in the south needs to be. These will NOT be safe areas for you, though you will be able to do certain things there like stock up and possibly be transported back to the main fortress. They will be able to be killed off by wetlanders, it its more like a beefed up smob area. This is the chance you will take as a trolloc raiding in the south.

If you have any questions on what you can or cant do or suggestions please let us know.

Re: Current Timeline

Posted: Tue Feb 19, 2013 8:53 am
by Ganelon
From a discussion today, it seems there's a bit of confusion in regards to the 'timeline'. So I'm adding a post here to draw new attention to what Shawnvye stated, and to add a few things to it in order to set the record straight. If you haven't read the above post by the owner, do so before taking any note of this one.

The basic premise of Mirrors is that it's a portal world. It is not the world of the novels - it's an alternate version - though we tend to play as close to book related things as is possible. Due to playability issues and other factors, this isn't always entirely an option. If it comes to a decision about canon lore over playability, playability always has to come first.

Shawny said we 'veered' away from the original setting of 20 years before the Aiel War. We didn't however, just throw away the entire timeline of events with it. Everything that occurred up to that point is just as stated in the novels. From there, things depart a little. Most of this has been driven by player actions - which is what is an important factor of playing at Mirrors - you can alter the course of events from your mortal.

So where did things 'veer' then? Trollocs and Fades raid into the midlands. This is obviously a key departure point. Another is openly known Dread Lords. The killing of the Amyrlin by one of those very Dread Lords. The crossing of the Dragonwall by a clan of Aiel to bring to justice a single man in Illian. Aiel in general seen at times skulking about the midlands on errands of their own. The armies of the Darkside commanded by a hitherto unknown Dreadlord named Vhaeroon Harheem. An Aes Sedai and her warders in the Threefold Land. It's a long list.

As to our original plans of a second trolloc war....

At the time this was declared, we had a MUCH larger playerbase on Darkside. We also had a lot more Imms with time to work on the idea. This idea was never 'torn-up', just put on hiatus. All the original reasons stated by Shawnyve for the decision still stand. At such time as it can be managed, I will be moving things along in that direction.

With that cleared up, I want to go over an earlier point one last time. RP and PK done by players should drive the plot and history of a MUD. Or there's really no point to playing. It's just the same thing over and over again with no way to make an impact. That's what reading novels is for. Not games.

If you have an aspect of RP you want to explore, always feel free to talk with either Niila or myself about it. It could be the next point of interest in this portal world's history.