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Nobility and Related Stuff

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:46 pm
by Arleve
Hi. I was thinking a bit about nobility and the use of Lady/Lord in titles. Right now anyone can use them. Those of us with older chars have been given test House Clans which people can join.

I think we should limit the use however of Lord/Lady to those who have acheived it in the country clan. Right now, that isn't very many people. Even if they join a Noble House, that doesn't mean necessarily they are Nobility themselves.

I was wondering if there was a way to limit the use of Lord/Lady until one acheived it in the Country Clan. Also, I think there should be an alternative to that, as not everyone wants to achieve Noble status and in fact, just the opposite. So maybe Merchant or Outlaw could be two others that could be acheived at the rank of Noble for the Country Clan.

Additionally, I think the status of the highest ranking member of a House should determine whether the House is even a Noble House, a Merchant House or a Gang of Outlaws.

Until someone makes Noble/Merchant/Outlaw status for the country, it would just be considered a family or group. And I think after someone gains that status, the group should get it's 3 rooms in the city of their choice as an Estate or Hideout. They could put it in any city if the Country doesn't exist yet, as part of the Embassy or in the woods somewhere as a Hideout with a few guards for that city that would protect them like Mercs would.

More in a bit - at work.

Re: Nobility and Related Stuff

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2011 12:31 am
by Dezadryk
I agree! Even if I was stripped of my Kinsman status :(

Re: Nobility and Related Stuff

Posted: Wed Sep 28, 2011 5:28 am
by Balyn Mantear
Give Nobles something to do first, then worry about who goes where. Right now we just look pretty and maybe get paychecks if we had it setup years back.

I am all for changes to nobility, but only if there is a clear plan first of why to be a Lord/Lady in the first place. Especially since anyone can be one straight out of character creation now.

Make it something cool and neat, like quest stuff always is, but also make it take logic and other qualities a noble hopefully would have other than ordering servants to do it for them. I've known some people that did great jobs with their low noble/vassal characters and had it be an integral part of how they acted within their other clan stuff etc instead of just being idle. Cadfael did a good job ages ago, I think...Zaralle? is doing so now.

Tular had some cool ideas years back, that I wish I could remember. Maybe he left notes! I'm sure there is something planned though.

For those people it's just another part of the character and they go on to do their own thing and have their own backstory to go with it. But as far back as I can remember there hasn't been anything more TO do. Maybe if we had some real Game of Houses to play within or quest for some goal.

Otherwise, people just pop the title up and join some clan and enjoy their day without thinking twice.

Re: Nobility and Related Stuff

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 5:25 pm
by Arleve
Thinking about this.

One thing that could be done at the Noble level is to establish and build onto the embassies in other lands. They already exist in a bare bones, one room capacity but what if you could pay to add rooms, mobs, trainers, etc. And while they would be part of the embassy itself, they would also be donated by Lord/Lady Mucketymuck and you'd gain cps for doing so.

Only members of that country could use those trainers and/or rooms. Different types of rooms could be a bedroom (healing rate increased), training hall for armor, training hall for dodgy stuff, dining hall (free food), etc.

So maybe I donate 10k for a room, 20k for 4 guardsmen, 5k for a cook, give a desc for a dining hall and then the Embassy is an Embassy Suite. Then later add a Bedroom (where you regen much faster) for 20k, 10k for Dodge trainer, etc.

You could establish these in any city provided you were not an enemy of that city by writing a letter to the ruler of the city and the Ambassador as a Lord/Lady of your country.

In Caemlyn, some countries might only have 1 room. Others might have 10.

Re: Nobility and Related Stuff

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 12:29 pm
by Arleve
Oh, and to address Balyn's point, I don't think we should be able to be born into it. Or if we are, it shouldn't give you a leg up. I think these country clans should really be what decides where your standing is as a character. So you can RP a noble and be considered of noble blood but unless you stand high in the country clan, it won't matter much.

I know, I say this now as I approach Noble status in the country clan but it has quite literally taken me years to acheive those ranks. I've had time at the Tavern collecting rumours to consider things. ;)

Re: Nobility and Related Stuff

Posted: Fri Oct 07, 2011 1:17 am
by Balyn Mantear
I like your idea when it's mixed in with how it used to be rolled. (You weren't told, and you couldn't choose)

So the random roll on it can stay at creation, but the ability to work your way up is also there. I don't know the reason behind being able to choose, maybe it is in line with how you can choose a channeler but it wont be as powerful as you could potentially get randomly rolled. That's a pure guess though.

It'd be more like how the nobles got their ranks through birthright or could be made nobles through their works (or a hefty sum of money...)

And the rumor thing is a lot of fun to play with, though I had to be told how to do it in the first place and Iliana and I played around with it for a bit :P