Light in the Tunnel

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Light in the Tunnel

Post by Aruon »

Part 1

Quietly, he stood waiting for the large beasts to spot him. His sword waited for the killing blow that it would soon bring, for that is solely what his training had availed to so far. Now he just had to wait here, alone in the dark tunnels with his hand ready to light his lantern once the smell of the Trollocs alerted him to their coming.

The foul water still dripped in the distance, covered and muffled by the short grunts and strange form of speech that would emanate from the large monsters. It was not his first time here, and it was not his first time waiting. They came closer; maybe they even caught wind of him over the smell of blood that covered everything else.

And his movements were as swift as he had been trained, the movements of a Student that bested any of his rank in the Yard. Even before he felt the cut run through the Trolloc, he knew it would kill it. With the lithe movements he had honed, another movement took his blade to the side of the others throat and cut cleanly. With two heavy slams against the rock, the beasts were dead. And his way was clear.

What the Student did not know was if he'd come back alive; now there was nothing to stop his blood lust. He'd held back his own instincts to remain human. But now, the only place he could run from the world was amidst the beasts he'd fight until his last breath. The animal nature he kept at bay was howling to kill as many Shadowspawn as it could, despite the chances for death. The dim light brought more spectators, ugly beasts that saw a meal. Yet the lone man would make sure they saw death instead. These were the weak ones, really. He was a veteran now of Blight expeditions; this was child's play. Except....

He turned, and the light fell upon blackness moving silently towards him, with a matching blade taking a stance. It was held by a pale hand barely visible. His instincts screamed in agony for him to charge forward and strike, but Master Sargon had helped him master both fear and discretion.

It was a strange thought, then, that this was all he had to keep him going. He hated the smell of blood, but drawing as much of it onto his sword was now a solace, comforting in its truth. No rumors or treason could reach him down here. The only mistake for him would be death. Actually, it felt like a great weight had lifted itself. There were no politics or Darkfriends down here. Just him and the Shadowspawn he had come to slay.

Alone in the tunnels, every movement echoing against the walls, the Warder Student took a stance and waited for the next move.
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Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:30 am

Re: Light in the Tunnel

Post by Aruon »

Part 2

His wounds were light, and none came from the creature's weapon. Instead a good kick here or there had thrown him into the cave walls. The bloody monster was playing with him, like a child. None but the fade would see the blood trailing down the right half of his face, but the Student felt the warm liquid pooling.

"Kill me before I get a lucky strike," his voice echoed his weariness. "Or you fall like that unlawfully annoying draghkar."

If terror could smile, it showed on the pale face of his executioner. The sight haunted the Student, and for the first time, he felt actual fear as he gazed upon the casual figure before him. The sweat turned cold, an uncomfortable contrast to the warm blood he was becoming covered in.

The time had come, it seemed. The slow march towards the Student was almost ceremonial of death. Just as he thought, he would die in the tunnels alone. It was a fitting end to his life, actually. Because for once, he lived - and would die- on his own terms.

The Neverborn stood over his exhausted body, seeming to loom like a pillar of certainty. It made its move slowly, bringing the dark blade down in a taunting manner.

The Student sat ready for it, accepting of it. The blade seemed to approach in a dull image. He was ready to die, and this beast would take his life. Yet there was still fear within him, and a hope to run. "Do it. I have gotten what I wanted in coming here."

The Neverborn stopped, where his eyes would be were fixated on the Student's face. A hoarse whisper escaped his lips that must have been a laugh.

And the Student returned the gaze, using everything he had to maintain the Void. "I've been hunted by the Forsaken, I've helped kill high ranking Dreadlords and their followers. You have taken the fear from me. I face you prepared to die."

It was true. He had never feared death. Mocking the Forsaken and taking first strike against them was something only a fool would do. And yet he had. He had no regrets about the end of his life in this tunnel, except for the deep green eyes that haunted his memory. Her silky skin and calm demeanor.

He thought to himself, "Bloody Saldaean noble..."

With all of his might, he stood up and drew his blade as high as it could go. Which was just an angled stance before his arms became to tremor.

He breathlessly walked toward the Neverborn, his light fading slowly to make the room seem a lot smaller as every painful step took him towards the monster that would destroy him.

They both stood in front of each other, the Student grinning and the Neverborn quietly raising his blade as it disappeared into the darkness beyond the lanterns light.

Again her face flashed in his mind, almost pushing back his instinct to fight the Fade that was going to end his life. Would she mourn his death? He doubted it. That woman was tough and far harder to understand than anyone he'd ever met. He muttered to himself, "Bloody woman..." He'd never said good bye, really. He loathed how she kept herself so guarded from him. But in this last moment, the thought of her brought with it some comfort and warmth. He was going to die, but he was going to die as a human.

The Student mustered all his strength, faced the Fade while standing as tall as he could look. With a motion of his right hand, he signaled for the Fade to make its move.

He barely saw the upward vertical slice, and then there was only blackness.
Posts: 61
Joined: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:30 am

Re: Light in the Tunnel

Post by Aruon »

Part 3

The pain in his body was slowly fading away, but why? If he was truly about to die, then why had the bleeding stopped?

The Student was simply lingering between conscious and passing out. Distantly, he could hear bursts of metal clashing. Also, someone was breathing nearby, but it was heavy and sporadic, as if they were trying to focus. But what really brought him awake was the smell of burning flesh and fresh blood; and not just human blood either.

Turning his head slowly, he saw a cloaked woman with her hood down. It was hard to make out her features, but there was only one Channeler that knew he had come this way. And if Samira Sedai was there, then the one fighting was...

The student sighed but kept still, avoiding the hidden, cold glare that dared him to do otherwise. His voice was a whisper, "Thank you, Samira Sedai. Are you able to return me to the fight?"

Her voice seemed to hide well her annoyance, "We knocked you out to keep you alive, yet you wish to throw away that kindness? I hope my Gaidin's student is not so much of a fool."

He winced, knowing she was right. His pride would get him another one of Sargon's talks. Yet the Fade was not dead yet, and the Student could smell fresh human blood. The sword clashes had slowed as well.

Against his better judgement, he raised himself into a sitting position and looked around for his sword. Apparently the two fighting had moved further into the Tunnel, and if the Student had to guess it was Sargon trying to move the danger away from the wounded man.

Suddenly, footsteps began running towards him as the sounds of fighting stopped. Samira stood up as well, concentrating on the area that was revealed by her ball of light. Using his sword as a prop, the Student did the same; the difference being he could see what was going on much better.

The footsteps were Sargons, but he was chasing the fade who was silently closing in on the Sedai and the Student. Samira called out to her Gaidin, "Turn away."

She unleashed a large fireball, followed by several others. Once his vision settled down again, he saw the Fade still standing but moving far slower. Beside the Student, the Aes Sedai muttered, "I'm almost spent. I can't do that again."

As he came up behind the fade, Sargon nodded and took his stance to finish the wounded Fade. The beast actually turned his back on an Aes Sedai to face the Warder again.

After the first time their swords connected, the Student assumed the Void and ignored his weary body. This was his fault, he had to do something. As he ran towards the two figures, he knew how juvenile that thought had been. There was a good chance if he engaged the Fade he would only make Sargon hesitate.

He kept his distance, his sword pointed quietly at the Fade's back. Sargon closed him from the other side, blocking the way to run. Yet strangely, no sign of fear came from the Fade; only intent to kill.

The Fade was calmly keeping his attention between the two men, ignoring the woman who still needed a little rest before she could be a threat again. The whole tunnel smelled of burnt flesh...but that was far from the most interesting smell the Student's nose caught. What seemed to be a mortally wounded Trolloc on the ground must have used whatever strength it had left to try and grab Sargon's leg and trap him. Although he dodged it in time, it gave the Fade his only opening as he lunged for the Warder.

Sargon raised his blade but it would be too late, the black sword would pierce him mid stomach. Using every bit of energy the Student had left, he formed into Low Wind Rising as he ducked low and cut across the back, then rebounded in a strike at the Fade's neck as it tried to turn and defend.

The Student collapsed, breathing heavily. Next to him fell the partly charred head of his enemy. He could hear the decapitated body flailing nearby while Sargon kept a distance and waited for it to accept death.

Samira was on her feet again, ignoring the Student now and tending to Sargon. Though they whispered closely, the Student's ears could pick up everything.

"I'm fine, Samira Sedai. Don't use what little you have left on such minor cuts. None are even deep. I..ouch..I promise I'm fine."

"I told your fool student to not do anything, but his foolish pride, well maybe concern, made him just ignore my common sense advice."

"Well, not much for me to complain about. Though I'll talk to him if you want me to, Samira."

"Do as you wish, but recover a little before we leave this place. Besides, I want to study this tunnel a little, I saw some odd markings on the armor they were wearing."

They were both almost oblivious to the Student now, and without the rush of the fight or the fear from it, he began to let the exhaustion consume him. He was fighting to stay awake, even if it meant getting a harsh lesson from the other two.

But ultimately, it was a fight he lost as found himself passing out.
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