Mirrors of the Wheel Mud

The Wizlist


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About Mirrors

We will be trying to keep this as current as possible and eventually will have it read direct from the mud we hope.

Where Immortal Titles are grouped is because those titles are all on the same 'level' just have different duties.

This system is currently being revamped so will not be in effect long.


Caen Maxim Mouser Shawnyve Jaxon


Aisling Belgar Dantec Maddoc

Architect, Sorceror

Azrith Crysa Loril Talion Paw

Builder, Illustionist, Enlightened

Beltane Cirus Elron Ixeon

Omaha Rhoith Stuyv

Apprentice, Bewitcher, Adventurer

Arkan Cali Cobalt Dasmon Eve

Iris Sascha Violet




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